Battle Cruise Company

Game a Week 1

Prompt: A Transatlantic Journey

From July 15 until July 20.


- About the game

Battle Cruise Company

You are the Captain of a cruise company that goes around the world, stopping over cities, and in the way, fight some enemies (or entertain them).

You can entertain the enemies and punch them out taking advantage or just win by entertain them.

The game is just a prototype, so there are few bugs and errors here and there but I belive it is playable.  The game is also unbalanced, sorry.

P.S.: I recommend playing in fullscreen. Couldn't make it responsive in the 1 week span.

OBS.: Sadly, Itch is not loading some of the images. I tested before during trial, and seemed fine for the battle, at least. Sorry if you can't see some of the arts. Past a bit of the time, but now the images seems to load, finally (let it a bit to load the images for cities and the itinerary). Hope you all enjoy o/


- About the challenge

I decided to take this challenge inspired by some Game a Week articles and videos I saw in the internet. I also wanted to try finish something in a short time, even if it's not 100% finished, and learn to deploy faster instead of get stuck in projects and get tired of them.

About this one in particular, I feel I kinda over did parts that I could let as is and tried to explore more the ideas I was having. I also think I should close more the scope, since there was a bunch of things I wanted to add, but despite I couldn't I started adding few features here and there for it. I spend too much time doing art as well, even tho it's not my forte, and let it to the end of the week was a bit of a mistake, I should have set an art style, screen size, color palette at the beginning.

Therefore, I will try my best to keep this going, and see if something promising comes out.

Ah, and this was made in Svelte. Next time I plan using an game engine, framework library instead some web tech (nothing against it, but I felt some stuff was harder than it should be in a proper game dev technology).

P.S.: Sorry any error in the text as well... I'm tired haha.

Development log


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